Our mission is to spread the gift of moisturized skin to every part of the world. JNatuRaw products are hand made with all-natural ingredients, exquisite essential oils, and a whole lot of love.
We believe that providing the proper moisture to your body is a form of self-love. The time we take to smooth our chosen skin care products over every curve and crease can be one of the most intimate parts of the day. It’s an opportunity to do something strictly for yourself.
Our products are designed to make sure your outside shines just as beautifully as your inside. It’s amazing how beautiful skin accompanied with the right scent can change your mood.
The use for shea butter has become more socially recognized here in the United States by consumers as well as businesses, due to the many benefits that it possesses. Produced in the continent of South Africa, shea butter comes from The Shea, a majestic wild tree and so rightfully has been crown “The Woman's Gold”.
Why the woman’s gold? Well I must say it is because of all the reasons why we love and use shea butter. Shea butter can be used to moisturize dry skin, treat acne and blemishes, reduce skin inflammation, provide relief to itchy and peeling skin, reduce razor irritation, bumps and stretch marks, moisturize our strands, and restore the elasticity in our skin.
JNatuRaw provides an excellent quality of shea butter that is guaranteed to be packed with creamy goodness within every package. We not only provide you with options for a wonderful fragrance but also a pure butter with a blend of natural oils to simply enjoy fragrance free. It is our goal to cater to the entire family by providing a variety of creative and unique scents that range from masculine to softer scents and everywhere in between, so that there are no limits as to who can enjoy the gift of moisture.
There are no drying agents contained in our products, therefore you cannot help but to apply and be relieved by the moisture that you will experience while allowing JNatuRaw to slowly absorb into your skin. Being moist is better than being dry. JNatuRaw is more than a brand, it’s a movement. We call it the Stay Moist movement! Because who wants to live a dry life?
OWNER of JNatuRaw
Taking good care of my skin has been important to me since I was a young child. Raised by my great grandmother I recall observing her nightly skincare routine for many years. She would pamper her skin for at least a good hour with her own concoction that consisted of petroleum jelly, olive oil, and castor oil. She would sit and massage her face and nose in an upward motion all while explaining to me how important it is to cleanse my skin nightly and moisturize religiously. When she passed away one month shy of turning 93 years old her skin was still just as soft as a babies bottom.
It wasn’t until cutting off my relaxed hair in 2012 and being new to the natural hair world I started to sample various products seeking the moisture that my thick strands were craving. After several months of disappointments and dry strands I started to create my own hair moisturizers using shea butter and lots of natural oils. A few months went by and I was finally happy with the moisture that my hair was retaining.
Immediately I thought to myself if shea butter will do this for my hair how would it work on my body. I stopped mixing my own ingredients with store lotions and cream because I was convinced by the results of my hair that I could do better with my own blend. My imagination started to flourish and I started combining the best quality shea butter with a mixture of natural oils creating delicious fragrances and sharing with my family. Before I knew it my entire family was using my products and I felt extremely proud.
Like every year I took my annual trip to Memphis, Tennessee but in May 2015 I shared my goodies with my cousin there and as soon as she applied my mixture to her hands she asked me “are you selling this?”. As a Human Resources professional, the thought had never crossed my mind. However, she encouraged me to put my goodies on the market and share with the world. By the time I left Memphis I was convinced that it was time to let the world know about my amazing product.
My focus is to provide a great moisturizing experience, while serving up great customer service. Over the past several years I have enjoyed participating in many sponsored events as a vendor and meeting numerous people along the way that have fallen in love with JNatuRaw and have become faithful supporters. Sharing the knowledge and benefits of shea butter has been exciting and even more rewarding is hearing how others are enjoying JNatuRaw. I have received a numerous amount of feedback from new mothers that have shared that they love my “Naked” on their babies as a nice thick lubricant to prevent diaper rash.
I simply believe in everything being moist from my hair strands, face, and my body. I believe that men should stay moist as well, therefore I had them in mind when I created my fragrances. JNatuRaw is more than a brand, it’s a movement. I call it the Stay Moist movement! By the way who wants to live a dry life anyways? From my moisturizing shea butter that is used, to the uniqueness of the fragrances; you will not find another body butter like JNatuRaw. I must admit JNatuRaw speaks uniqueness as well as its creator.
Stay Moist!
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Moisturize Your
JNatuRaw enjoys networking and spreading the gift of moisture to surrounding Midwest area events. If you are looking for a professional vendor to participate in your upcoming event; JNatuRaw may be one of the best choices you will make. JNatuRaw delivers a smile along with a pleasant attitude all while serving moisture to you and your attendees. We surely hope that we are able to accommodate the date and time of your event. Please send details that include date, time, and location, along with a vendor contract for our review. We will take a look at our schedule and respond as soon as possible.